My First Year


Life is full of surprises!

It is hard to believe — but I have been blogging for one entire year!  Yes, I started on 11/3/10 with my first ever post – A Dysfunctional Life Goes Public.  I’ve told lots of stories about my family – especially my husband and children.  I’ve shared scenes from my childhood – including my love for my sisters and my mother.  I’ve share some insights into crazy things like playing poker and cribbage.

I took a pledge to write a post a day in 2011 – and sadly, didn’t quite follow through.  However, I did learn a lot about writing and just how inane I could get when pushed to write something every single day!  Oddly enough, on two of those days when I couldn’t think of anything to write about, I wrote about basically nothing – and both of those posts became Freshly Pressed!  Who could have guessed that a post about Junk Mail would cause so much pain for some people and cause them to write their own posts which were longer than my own!

I’ve written about love, laughter, craziness, junk, treasure, children, family, nincompoops, baseball, Easter Bunnies, Christmas, birthdays – in general, I’ve written about life.  I only hope that some of what I have written has touched others and reminded them of their own lives and how blessed we all are – sometimes it is only a small blessing – like managing to wear matching shoes to work in the morning, and sometimes it’s a BIG blessing – like watching a child’s face light up with excitement when seeing her favorite princess.

I’ve been lucky enough to share my thoughts and words with people – and to read about others’ adventures.  It has been a great first year – and just like a baby, I’m still learning to walk and talk – and follow proper etiquette.  I hope I get better with time – and if I don’t?  Well, that works too because then I will have fulfilled my original mission — to make others feel more normal!

7 responses »

  1. Congraulation Katie..One whole year..your posts are sp professional that I would have thought you had been doing it for years.
    My one year is 12 January 2012..what an event.

    I have always enjoyed your posts and I love your way of writing

    love P

    • Thanks for keeping up with my craziness! I could say the same for you — I thought you had been blogging a lot longer than a year! Keep up the good work!

  2. Pingback: If I were you… « Pages from my Crazy Life

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