Christmas 2022 – Weddings, Hardware, Toys and … FISH!


Once again it is that time of year – time for Christmas decorations, cookies, presents – and of course, an update from the Gurnetts!  This has been a busy but strange year – weddings, new hardware, new toys and as always, FISH.  We didn’t travel much this year but we did manage to go to New York City to attend Bob & Maureen’s post-COVID wedding.  They had planned everything before COVID hit – and ended up getting married in a small ceremony on their special beach during the pandemic – but they still wanted a party to celebrate with the entire family – so away we went.  It was beautiful – right on the East River and we could see the NYC skyline – and even the Statue of Liberty.  It was a beautiful ceremony – full of love, laughter and a gathering of all the people important in their life together.  We did take another short trip to Gunnison and although it was for the sad occasion of my sister, Eileen’s funeral – we were able to meet up with my sister Michelle and her husband Jon and share some laughter and memories.  After that, we had to curtail our travels because God decided that I needed some new hardware in my life.  In August I had my right hip replaced – I wish I could say it was sport related or something exciting – but the darn thing just decided to quit working.  So – I got a new titanium hip – and figured I could start some salsa dancing lessons – but no, it was not to be.  My left hip became extremely jealous of how well my right hip was working – and decided it also wanted the same hardware!  I got tired of them fighting with each other and had the left hip replaced in November.  This means that I might be the Bionic Woman now and should be able to jump into trees and run miles – but the truth is that while I’m healing, I tend to walk more like Robocop.  I’m going to do great things after the first of the year – like walk around the block – but for now, I can at least put my own socks on!  As for toys, well Pat decided that he wants to go on a road trip with our son, Tim when he gets back from his deployment to Africa next July.  In order to do this, Pat has purchased a – wait for it – a Harley Davidson motorcycle.  Yes – he will be traveling in style on his Harley with his blue-tooth helmet, leather chaps – and a good leather jacket.  He is very excited about the trip but I have told him this is a boys’ trip.  I will not be riding on the back of the Harley in a halter top, showing off any tattoos.  Now try to get THAT picture out of your mind!  By now, you are wondering did we have any time this year to go FISHING.  Pat did manage to squeeze some time in while in Colorado – but as usual the FISH were safe again.  I’m positive we will have more time for fishing next year!

Jenny, Liz and Liam are doing great.  Jenny’s bridal/photography makeup and hair business is picking up and she is enjoying it very much.  Liz is a Sophomore at Mercy High School and is part of the show choir and loves drama – on and off the stage.  Liam is in 8th grade and deciding whether he wants to go to Creighton Prep or to Millard South next year.  I know that sounds strange, but when you are in a Catholic grade school, you get to choose your high school.  Liam is on a swimming team and both of them are still in Taekwondo.

Bob and Maureen found a new apartment in New York – right down the street from their current one.  They love their neighborhood (I do too!), so I’m glad they didn’t have to leave it.  Bob is working on computers and doing his stand-up comedy.  Maureen is still working for a law firm and teaching some law school classes.  Now that the big wedding event is over, they can try to get back to normal – although with Bob around, I’m not sure what normal looks like!

Tim, Walter and Winston are still in Alaska – although right now Tim is deployed in Africa until July of next year.  They miss each other but thank goodness for FaceTime!  Walter is in kindergarten and Winston is in preschool.  While they are enjoying the snow in Alaska, Tim has been dealing with 100 degree heat in Africa – quite a difference!  In his down-time, he has been volunteering at a wildlife refuge and true to form, he has recruited a bunch of people to help him build trails at the center.  Leave it to Tim to find a way to do what he does for the parks in Alaska in Africa!

Becky, Peter, Wes and Danny have been busy making memories this year also. In addition to Becky still working at Methodist and Peter for Farmer’s Dog, Peter started a business called Paddlin’ Pete’s where he teaches canoeing skills.  Of course, some of his first students would be Wes and Danny – and they seem to be naturals at it!  Wes is in kindergarten and Danny is in preschool but I think they will both be canoe guides within the year for their dad!  They even caught some FISH while canoeing – which means they are ahead of grandpa in the count for fish this year! 

Pat has spent the last few months being my butler as I learn to use these new hips.  I’ve promised him that as soon as they are healed enough, we will be walking to some of those fishing spots so he can enjoy throwing a line in the water and waiting for something to happen.  Of course, he really doesn’t care if he catches any fish – he just loves the possibility of catching something.  Me?  I just am happy sitting in the sunshine, reading a book and watching him do something he enjoys.

May your holidays be full of laughter, love and happy memories.  Enjoy the small things that come your way – a smile from a child, a surprise candy cane, the ability to take a walk around the block with the ones you love – and of course, the possibility of catching a FISH.

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