Category Archives: Life

Embrace the Horror


Funny statement to make, I know – but it has become something my hubby says every time we are faced with an obstacle or to use old fashioned words – a trial or tribulation. When faced with these types of things – bills that need paid, things that need fixed, relationships that are crazy, sickness and yes, even growing old – Pat just calmly says ‘Embrace the Horror’, rolls up his figurative sleeves and starts solving the problem – or at the very least finding a way to live with it.

I didn’t really appreciate ’embracing the horror’ until I had to have my hips replaced. The first one wasn’t too bad. I did my exercises twice a day and I progressed very nicely – until my other hip decided it didn’t want to play any longer and wanted the same hardware my new hip had. So, it had to be replaced – but until the day of surgery every day was pain filled. So, using my husband’s wise words – ’embrace the horror’ – I held the pain close. I hugged it and made it walk with me instead of letting it lead me down a path of despair. By embracing the pain, I could manage it a little better and was able to see the end of the tunnel.

After surgery, I am once again ’embracing the horror’. This hip needed a little more work and my leg looks like I got ran over by a truck. The bruises are a testament to how my surgeon wanted to make sure I didn’t walk with a limp (which I do not) and that I healed as quickly as possible. I’m taking a little longer to heal and it isn’t the same kind of pain – but there is the frustration of not being strong enough to do the things I want to do yet. So, I’m embracing the horror. I’m holding my frustration close to me, so it is by my side and not in front of me telling me it will never get better and not behind me pushing me to be unkind to those around me who are helping. My frustration is right beside me, held closely and helping me make sure that I do my exercises, that I walk as much as possible – and to be thankful for the little things that I’m able to do every day – like put on my own socks!

Embracing the horror is not a bad thing – it just means you need to recognize your trial or tribulation – and bring it close so it isn’t pushing you or pulling you to places you don’t want to go. You get to use that energy to push you through the ‘horror’ and come out the victor! And it helps you appreciate the small victories as well as the big ones – like putting on your own socks or walking around the block without a walker or cane. Victory is sweet.